Leif Frënn,
Mir wëllen Iech op des Manéier iwwert de LËTZEBUERGER BIERGER KOLLEKTIV opklären.
Dëse Grupp vu Bierger as entstanen no der Demonstratioun vum 8. Januar 2022, an hiert Haaptzil ass et, den Demonstratiounen zu Lëtzebuerg e besseren Image ze ginn, souwéi all d'Administrateuren an Haaptakteuren zesummenzebréngen.
Mir hate fir d'Demonstratioun vum 15. Januar eng gutt Aarbecht geleescht, andeems mir Kaarten a Plakater(10) gemoolt an en neie Slogan ("Fir eng Fräi Impfentscheedung") entwéckelt haten!
Trotzdem si mer eis lo bewosst, dass mir fir dëse berüümte Samschden keng äntfert op eis Request mat Zäiten kruten, d'Demo trotzdem gestart hun, an dono ass komm wat komm ass. Mir hunn awer dorauser frozen.
Vum 15. Januar un, an Zesummenaarbecht mat verschiddene Membere vu verschiddene Gruppen, hu mir ëmmer iwwert all Schrëtt, déi den LBK mécht, opgeklärt. Mir hu bei der VdL Ufroe gemaach, fir datt d'Leit a Sécherheet kënnen demonstréieren. Dee Corridor, dee mir lo e puer Woche laang gemaach hunn, huet eis séchlech net gefall, mä dat huet op d'mannst dofir gesuergt, datt d'Leit sech nach all Samschdeg gesinn hunn, mateneen diskutéieren, Informatiounen kréien a virun allem erëm Kraaft an Energy tanken konnten.
Den LBK huet sech och mei speit mat der Trupp vu Saturdays for Liberty - Polonaise Solidaire zesummegedoen, fir ZESUMMEN op de Stroosse vu Lëtzebuerg ze demonstréieren.
De Lëtzebuerger Bierger Kollektiv huet (nach) kee geneeë social status, well mir wëllen drop hiweisen, datt de Kollektiv virun allem do ass, fir ze organizedieren (Demandë/Flyeren/Pubs ze maachen) an d'Demonstratiounen ze animatedieren.
Mir ënnerstëtzen all Grupp, Organisatioun, Associatioun an/oder Kollektiv, déi an de leschten 2 Joer oder virdrun gegrënnt goufen an déi déiselwecht Ziler hunn.
Mir hu keen direkten politeschen Interest, mee ënnerstëtzen all Approach, déi eis an déi richteg Richtung beweege kann. Mir maachen also kenger politescher Partei d'Dier zou, déi un den Demonstratioune wëll deelhuelen. Mir wëllen, datt d'Leit sech vereenegen!
Eis Uleies sinn:
Gesondheet a wirtschaftlech Fräiheet fir jiddereen, ouni Uerteel op sozialer oder rassistescher Basis.
Mir stinn fir de Respekt vun de fundamentale Gesetzer vun de Mënscherechter!
Mir halen en A op d'Wirtschaftspolitik an déi stänneg ofhuelend Kafkraaft!
Mir veruerteelen de Covid-Regime, dee vun eise Regierunge seit 2 Joer duerchgesaat gëtt!
Mir sin fir Fridden an Demokratie.
Keng Weltorganisatioun aus "Eliten" soll Muecht iwwer d'Leit hunn!
Mir sinn déi 99%, mir sinn zu vill méi, awer mir mussen eis vereenegen!
And ass also mam Zil, eis all ze vereenegen, datt den LBK decideiert huet, nëmmen nach ee (1) grousst Evenement pro Mount unzefroen, wou all Gruppen/Associatiounen kënne matmaachen, souwéi och eis Grenzgänger, déi Deel vun eisem Alldag sinn. Trotzdem wärten mir selwer, an all member bei all aaner Manif matmachen dei stattfënt awer eben just als normalen Demonstrant.
Well mir keng offiziell Websäit hunn, kënnt Dir eis op eiser Email-Adress erreechen:
Mir wëlen och drop hiweisen dat mir geint Gewalt, Hetz oder Rassismus sin, an dat mir dat net op eisen Demoen wëlen gesin.
Bleift waakreg, bleift verbonnen!
Mir sinn d'Majoritéit, mir verzeien net, mir vergiessen net!
Dear friend, dear friend,
We come by this means to clarify to you about the LËTZEBUERGER BIERGER KOLLEKTIV.
This group of citizens was created after the demonstration of January 8, 2022 and whose main goal is to give a better image of the demonstrations in Luxembourg as well as to bring together the admins of the different groups and main actors of the scene.
We had done a great job for the January 15 demonstration by creating cards and posters(10) and a new slogan ("Fir eng Fräi Impfentscheedung", "For free vaccine choice")! Despite this, and after hindsight, we should have waited for the response to our request for a demonstration for this famous Saturday, but the rules were very vague at this precise moment and we learned from that.
From January 15 and in collaboration with several members of different groups, we have always communicated on the steps that the LBK is taking. We have made requests to the City of Luxembourg so that the people can always demonstrate in safety and in procession. The corridor that we took for several weeks certainly did not suit us, but at least it meant that people were still able to see each other every Saturday, talk to each other, get information and above all regain strength and energy. with ours.
Shortly after, the LBK joined forces with the Saturday for Liberty - Polonaise Solidaire troop to demonstrate TOGETHER in the streets of Luxembourg.
The Lëtzebuerger Bierger Kollektiv does not (yet) have an exact social name because we would like to point out that the collective of citizens is mainly there to organize (make requests/flyers/pubs) and animate the demonstrations.
We support any group, organization, association and/or collective which has been created in the last 2 years or before and which has the same objectives. We have no political interest but support any approach that can move us in the right direction. So we do not close the door to any political party that wants to join the demonstrations. We want the people to decide and unite!!
Our causes are:
Health and economic freedom for all, without judgment and social or racial discrimination.
We will not give up the fight for the respect of the fundamental laws of human rights!
We are attentive in the face of economic policy and the ever-decreasing purchasing power!
We denounce the Covid regime established by our governments for 2 years!
We are for peace and democracy!
No world organization made up of "elite" should have power over the people! We are the 99%, we are many, but we must unite!
It is therefore with the aim of uniting us that the LBK has decided to hold only one (1) major demonstration per month where all the groups/all the associations should join, just like our border friends who are part of our everyday life. Of course we will always be present in any other event in Luxembourg, but as simple participants.
As we don't have an official website, you can reach us on our email address:
We would like to say again that we condemn all forms of violence, discrimination and racism in our demonstrations.
Let's stay awake, let's stay united!
We are legion, we don't forgive, we don't forget!
Dear friend, dear friend,
We come by this means to clarify to you about the LËTZEBUERGER BIERGER KOLLEKTIV.
This group of citizens was created after the demonstration of January 8, 2022 and whose main goal is to give a better image of the demonstrations in Luxembourg as well as to bring together the admins of the different groups and main actors of the scene.
We had done a great job for the January 15 demonstration by creating cards and posters(10) and a new slogan ("Fir eng Fräi Impfentscheedung", "For free vaccine choice")! Despite this, and after hindsight, we should have waited for the response to our request for a demonstration for this famous Saturday, but the rules were very vague at this precise moment and we learned from that.
From January 15 and in collaboration with several members of different groups, we have always communicated on the steps that the LBK is taking. We have made requests to the City of Luxembourg so that the people can always demonstrate in safety and in procession. The corridor that we took for several weeks certainly did not suit us, but at least it meant that people were still able to see each other every Saturday, talk to each other, get information and above all regain strength and energy. with ours.
Shortly after, the LBK joined forces with the Saturday for Liberty - Polonaise Solidaire troop to demonstrate TOGETHER in the streets of Luxembourg.
The Lëtzebuerger Bierger Kollektiv does not (yet) have an exact social name because we would like to point out that the collective of citizens is mainly there to organize (make requests/flyers/pubs) and animate the demonstrations.
We support any group, organization, association and/or collective which has been created in the last 2 years or before and which has the same objectives. We have no political interest but support any approach that can move us in the right direction. So we do not close the door to any political party that wants to join the demonstrations. We want the people to decide and unite!!
Our causes are:
Health and economic freedom for all, without judgment and social or racial discrimination.
We will not give up the fight for the respect of the fundamental laws of human rights!
We are attentive in the face of economic policy and the ever-decreasing purchasing power!
We denounce the Covid regime established by our governments for 2 years!
We are for peace and democracy!
No world organization made up of "elite" should have power over the people! We are the 99%, we are many, but we must unite!
It is therefore with the aim of uniting us that the LBK has decided to hold only one (1) major demonstration per month where all the groups/all the associations should join, just like our border friends who are part of our everyday life. Of course we will always be present in any other event in Luxembourg, but as simple participants.
As we don't have an official website, you can reach us on our email address:
We would like to say again that we condemn all forms of violence, discrimination and racism in our demonstrations.
Let's stay awake, let's stay united!
We are legion, we don't forgive, we don't forget!